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Auditions: Return to Sunset Village

Amelia Musical Playhouse will be holding auditions for the Michael Presley Bobbitt comedy “Return to Sunset Village” on June 8 & 9, @ 12:00 at 1955 Island Walkway in Fernandina Beach. Performances will be in the first two weeks in August. This play is a sequel to “Sunset Village” which was successfully produced at AMP last year. All roles are open. The director is Jeff Goldberg.


Edna Wilson: Mid 60s woman, a recent widow from a 42-year marriage to the only man she had ever kissed. She has a youthful face and the spry demeanor of a much younger woman.

Mr. Midnight (Joe): Late 60s to early 70s man with a luxurious head of hair and the swagger of a man possessed of abundant self

Louise Albright: a woman in her late 60s who looks her age and doesn’t try to hide it. She is irascible and stubborn in a down-toearth way.

Mikayla Fox: A vivacious woman in the community who will never tell her real age, though her obvious plastic surgery and heavy makeup fail a little more each day at hiding her physical decline. Even her name has been altered to give the appearance of youth.

Norma Blaine: An early 60s swinger in a happy open marriage with her dentist husband who is never seen or heard from during the

Tommy Miller: A man in his late 20s to early 30s, handsome and charming. He works a variety of service jobs in the Villages. He is
popular with his customers and wise beyond his years.

Great Grandma Carolyne: A woman in her 80s. She walks with the use of a cane but is prone to bursts of incongruous agility. Quick to
anger with a thirst for vengeance if crossed.

Curtis Morsey: CEO of RELCO, the development company that first developed Sunset Village 50 years ago, and that continues to drive
the majority of the development in the area.

Auditions will consist of reading scenes from the play. If you would like to read the play prior to auditions, contact Jeff Goldberg at [email protected]

Performance Dates
August 1-4, 7-10

Rehearsals begin June 12, most rehearsals will be in the 4-6 pm range.
